Conference Attendance Grants

Do you need funding to attend the MIWLA Conference? Apply for a Conference Attendance Grant of up to $175. Grants cover membership, conference registration, one workshop, and some travel expenses. MIWLA offers conference attendance grants for pre-service and student teachers, new teachers, and experienced teachers with 5 years’ experience or more. These grants support and introduce aspiring and experienced world language teachers to the professional development opportunities and services offered at the annual MIWLA conference. The deadline to apply is September 10.

Congratulations to our 2023 Conference Attendance Grant Recipients!

Experienced Teacher Grants

Cynthia Golick

Adrienne Novales

Mary Clair Wissman

New Teacher Grants

Emily Alaniz

Lynn Brown

Jenna Kotula

Yuan Li

Tara Logan

Pre-service and Student Teacher Grants

Sandra Cano

Taylor Haddon

Erin Hebel

Grace Lyons

Caroline Ruffolo

Megan Zaiter

Luyan Zhang


If you have any questions about the grants or the application process, please contact our Vice-President here.